The Countess Cocktail

The Countess Cocktail

To get in the mood for the upcoming season, I started decorating for Halloween and realized that I needed to have some spooky cocktails to celebrate. After the premiere of American Horror Story: Hotel last week (which I talked about here), I decided that a cocktail based on the show needed to happen. And because Lady Gaga’s character, The Countess, got everyone talking, I knew she had to be the inspiration for this drink. As a nod to her vampire-esque qualities, I decided a deep, red colored cocktail was the way to go.

The Countess Cocktail

While the drink may look creepy (that’s what makes it fun!), the ingredients are anything but. Black cherry soda, grenadine, vodka, and a sprig of rosemary are all you need for this blood-red cocktail. It’s a simple (and delicious) drink to mix up while watching AHS or any Halloween-themed movie, really.

The Countess Cocktail

The Countess Cocktail


  • 2 oz vodka
  • 1/2 oz grenadine
  • Black cherry soda, to top
  • Rosemary sprig, for garnish


  1. In a cocktail shaker, pour in the vodka and grenadine and top with ice. Shake well. Strain into a cocktail glass with crushed ice and top with black cherry soda. Garnish with a sprig of rosemary.

The Countess Cocktail

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